HLA Engineers, Inc. was founded in 1974 to provide professional structural and mechanical engineering design and analysis services to the industrial community by using finite element computer simulations and classical engineering methods. We are a group of highly motivated and talented engineers who solve complex problems by adopting diversified and flexible approaches to problems and applying personalized solutions in a close productive relationship with each client. Over the last 25 years HLA has expanded our scope of services to include analysis simulations in thermal, vibration, fatigue, explicit dynamics and computational fluid dynamics. We also offer our expertise in physical testing of structures, machine design, forensics and expert witness / litigation support.

Steve W. Stahl, P.E., President,
has been with HLA Engineers since 1988. Prior to HLA he had 10 years of experience in process vessel and piping design in the oil and gas industry. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Texas. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering. His specialties include the design and analysis of Division 1 and Division 2 ASME code pressure vessels, piping, oilfield processing equipment, power generation structures, petrochemical structures, transportation equipment for rail and highway. He is a member of ASME and AISC

Ricky A. Cribbs, P.E., S.E., Executive Vice President,
has been with HLA Engineers since 1991. His background is in structural analysis and design with specialization in design using finite element analysis. He has experience in the design of railcars, telecommunications towers, process equipment, commercial foundations, and optical telescopes. In addition he has experience in forensic engineering, specifically in failure analysis of structures. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in 11 states, and also a licensed Structural Engineer in Nevada. He holds Bachelor of Science and Masters of Science degrees in Civil Engineering each with a structural specialty. He is a member of ASCE, SEI, and ASME. He sits on the structural subcommittee of the Civil Engineering examination committee of NCEES. He is also a member of the Structural Dynamics committee of the ASCE Structural Engineering Institute.

Dipen Shah, Ph.D., Vice President, Chief Engineer,
received his BS, ME and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. He joined HLA in 1994 and is a Partner and Chief Engineer at HLA Engineers, Inc. and performs consulting services in Mechanical and Structural Analysis and Design. Dr. Shah has been involved in Analysis and Design, Materials Evaluation and Testing for many industrial development projects since the early 90’s. The projects have included FEA Analysis and Design, Engineering Mechanics and Fatigue and Fracture mechanics, with a wide range of structures. During the last 21 years at HLA, he has been involved in Analysis and Design of Transportation Structures such as Rail Cars, Puncture Resistance, Crash Worthiness, Damage Tolerance and Fatigue of Tank Cars, Wind Towers, Deep Space Antennas, Tower Cranes, Rollover Protective Structures, Elastomeric Components, and other large Industrial Structures. He has served as Expert Witness and performed Legal & Forensic work on several cases in the area of construction collapse and structural mechanics. Apart from Analysis and Design his interests also include Composites and Delamination, Durability and Damage Tolerance, Structural and Design Optimization, Biomedical Research, Software Development and Programing in Engineering and FEA, 2D and 3D Meshing. Dr. Shah has presented several papers at international conferences and has published journal articles and industrial reports in the areas of composites, FEA, Fatigue and Fracture Mechanics Analysis of weldments and other structural components.

H. Keith Hunt, P.E., Director,
formed HLA Engineers, Inc. in November 1974. He has a Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering, and a Master’s Degree in Structural Mechanics. He was involved in the early development and application of the Finite Element Method of Structural Analysis while with several major aircraft companies in the mid to late 1960’s, including major personal engineering effort in the stress analysis of the Apollo Space Craft Service Module. Mr. Hunt went into engineering consulting with the concept of providing an in-depth engineering resource in the computer analysis of industrial structures and products, for both Fabricators and Manufacturer’s. “Applied Research” is a term used frequently at HLA. Personal engineering experience includes Railcars of all types, Locomotives, MC331 Cargo Trailers & Bobtails, Large Dish Antennas, Pressure Vessels Division 1 & 2, Cryogenic Pressure Vessels & Run Tanks, Heat Exchangers, API 620 & 650 Storage Tanks, Over-head, Gantry & Jib Cranes, Press Frames, Pipe Racks, Piping Stress Analysis, Piping Support Specification & Design, Process Equipment Foundations, Process Equipment and Supports, Power Generation Equipment and Equipment Supports, SCR Units, Large Ducts, Building Design & Modification and Docks. Keith Hunt is a senior member of ASME and past member of ASTM. DOT Certifying Engineer, No. CT-0012.

Percy Elavia, Engineering Manager,
has been with HLA Engineers for 19 years. He received his B.E. and M.E. in Mechanical Engineering and is experienced in the field of Mechanical and Structural Design and Analysis related to rail cars, tank cars and pressure vessels. He also has experience in areas of Fatigue Analysis, Fracture Mechanics, Damage Tolerance Analysis, Puncture Resistance and in Software Development for engineering applications